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骑马与砍杀 权力的游戏


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    v 3.0
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Windows 7及以上
Intel i5 或 AMD同性能
4 GB




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骑马与砍杀国王的冲突(权力的游戏)v3.0最新版本发布《权力的游戏》(英文:Game of Thrones)是一部中世纪史诗奇幻题材小说,游戏MOD根据其剧情创作了骑马与砍杀战团MOD国王的冲突(权力的游戏)v3.0版本。

One of the great new things is the revelation that there's more cities in Essos than previously known. This should make the continent of Essos a lot more fun to play around on. I've also overhauled the Essos part of the map - more mountains, forests, passes etc.


All to make Essos more appealing, and less bland. The Essos factions have also received a diplomatic overhaul. Some cities, like Pentos, will not go to war but the Three Daughters (Myr, Tyrosh and Lys) will go to war against each other frequently and without warning.


I've also emphasized making some features less tedious. The modification is designed to be super frustrating, but only through difficulty, not poor design. So minor annoyances have been tweaked - as an example, you no longer need to travel all over the world looking for Velvet if you want to move your court to a new location.


And as previously discussed, I'm continuing the graphical overhaul with even more props to make the world come alive.



With the new worldbook, A World of Ice and Fire, having been released, I'm currently integrating all the new information into the mod. This includes more cities for the Essosi factions, new names for many locations, new names for many Essosi characters, and a couple of new cities for the Westerosi factions. The worldbook also included some maps with a bit of new information regarding castle/town placement and rivers, so I am also doing various map changes.


On top of that, I've added a lot of new props. These props are all very high quality, and will be used for ACOK, but also for ACOK II.


Like with the commisions from Docm30, these props where paid for. It's part of an ongoing effort to put the many donations ACOK has received to good use. The next batch of commisions will include many updated weapon models, like a new Arakh model, which will be useable for ACOK II as well.

这些道具都是从Docm30订造购买的。我们努力善用收到的每一笔捐款。下一批订造的道具将会是大量的新武器模型,如新的亚拉克弯刀,这将应用到ACOK II.

Many of these new props are great for overhauling the interior scenes, but there's also many small props which are a bit more specific. One of them is going to be used for a quest.


As always, new versions of the modification will also contain many fixes and minor tweaks. The changelog can be found here: Moddb.com


I'm currently focusing on minor convencience fixes, getting hold of the remaining few bugs and polishing up the factions and map. once that is done, I'll finish work on the new diplomacy system (mostly implemented already, just have to test it) which will make the world a lot more dynamic.



The above is how the last preview started, and I stand by it. 3.0 has seen so many improvements that I wanted to implement ages ago, but simply didn't have the time to do, or the know-how.


The coming previews will delve into some of the more exciting features, but for now I'll showcase something I know A LOT of people have been wanting - unrestricted sea travel.


Basically, both the player and all the NPC's will now be able to sail all over the ocean. However, you cannot make anchorage anywhere you please, and still need to find a port. The ports are named and visible on the map, as shown below.


There's currently 65 different ports in-game, but depending on testing, I might add some more - really depends on how the AI handles it.


To make ports a bit more exciting, I've added a small feature to them. You can click them and a menu will pop up that give you a bit of lore information. Like shown here:


However, some ports might also allow you to hire disgruntled deserters looking to get the hell out of King's Landing before all that wildfire explodes or simply just wanting to take hire as sellswords.


What you see there is also a tiny preview of some of the new "artwork" in 3.0. I've basically strived to make everything uniform, and every single piece of background art has been replaced.


Another big thing for 3.0 is the updated textures and meshes. A feature that's been long sought after is a low-res version of the mod, and yes, 3.0 will be released as two different versions, completely identical except for the texture resolution. This should allow those of you with an older machine to still run the modification.

在3.0中另一件大事就是更新了模型贴图(textures and meshes)。在苦苦追求N久之后,一个低分辨率的版本诞生了。没错,3.0会发布两个版本,除了贴图的分别率之外完全相同的两个版本。这样还在用老爷机得玩家就有福了。

However, for those who really enjoy eye-candy and the like, I've added hundreds of new props and replaced almost all the old low-quality ones. This is part of the ongoing effort to make the game look as pretty as possible, while also preparing for Bannerlord. The new meshes and textures where bought with a part of the donations I've received during this last year, and will enhance both the graphics and the scenes.


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