首页 模组 上古卷轴5 Qaxe的白水瀑布为SSEmod

上古卷轴5 Qaxe的白水瀑布为SSEmod


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需拥有游戏本体 上古卷轴5:重置版才能运行。
  • 英  译
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  • 版  本
    v 1.0
  • 作  者
    Qaxe Qaxixaci
  • 下  载
    0  次
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游戏介绍 游戏评测(0)


- 房屋购买对话框,具有非常友好,独特的特点

- 支付8k,购买升级并入住 - 不需要冗长的任务

- 家居选择(开始没有家具)

- 选择雇佣管家来帮助您购买急需的物品

- 聘请专家来保护您的家,教您技能或与您一起旅行的选择

- 家的马购买选项(包括2匹跟随马)

- 地下通道,可选择与您的家庭连接

- “Teleport Whitewater”让您可以从Tamriel的任何地方传送回家

- 家中内外的安全存储

- Whiterun和Riverwood之间的风景名胜


- 所有雇佣和升级的总成本:15,000个septims

- 只有房子内外的容器才是安全的。隧道部分和外部将重新产生。

- 随从不是不朽的。





WHITEWATER CHALET Affordable, convenient, private, stable.

-- House purchase dialog with a lore-friendly, unique character

-- Pay 8k, buy upgrades and move in -- no lengthy quests involved

-- Home furnishing options (starts unfurnished)

-- Option to hire a housekeeper to help you buy much needed supplies

-- Options to hire experts to come guard your home, teach you their skills, or travel with you

-- Horse purchase option for player (2 follower horses included)

-- Underground passage with option to connect with your home

-- "Teleport Whitewater" lets you teleport home from anywhere in Tamriel

-- Safe storage inside and outside your home

-- Scenic location between Whiterun and Riverwood


-- Total cost with all hirelings and upgrades: 15,000 septims

-- only containers in the house and outside are safe. Tunnel section and exterior will re-spawn.

-- Followers are not immortal.

CONFLICTS: with any mod that occupies the same location. Click the "Images" tab to see the location on the map. 

Do not use with "Qaxe's Questorium" as Whitewater is included with that mod.

SUPPORT: This mod has been available for original Skyrim since 2012. I am making it available for SSE, but have no time to answer questions.

PERMISSIONS: This mod is the creative property of the author. The author does NOT give permission for re-uploading this mod, edits/renditions/merges of this mod on this or any other website(s). Translations and patches may not contain my files. If you see this mod anywhere but but here please report it.

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