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上古卷轴5 重型夜莺装甲mod


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夜莺骑士护甲 - 

- 增加了一个沉重的nightinagale盔甲,混合了一点乌木

Skyforge上的Craftable(很快将在夜莺锻造中) - 需要乌木锭皮革和空隙盐 - 可以通过无效盐来调和 - 没有结界 - 是重装甲的夜间装甲

黑暗恶魔猎手护甲 - 

- 加上一个类似于与夜莺盔甲合并的魔鬼盔甲的定制装甲 - 可以从Dragonborn DLC的Dremora商人处购买

- 没有结界


 Nightingale Knight Armor-

- adds a heavy nightinagale armor that is mixed with a bit of ebony

Craftable at the Skyforge (will soon be at Nightingale Forge)-Requires Ebony ingots leather and void salts-can be tempered by void salts-no enchantments-is Heavy armor varient of nightningale armor

Dark Demon Hunter Armor-

-adds a custom armor that resembles the demonhunter armor merged with the nightingale armor-can be purchased from the Dremora Merchant from Dragonborn DLC 

-no enchantments

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