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上古卷轴5 蝙蝠吸血鬼之王mod


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将Vanila Vampire Lord模型替换为更像蝙蝠的完全定制的模型






NMM:选择了你想要的版本,然后点击管理器下载Mod Manager下载安装,你就完成了,只需使用mod管理器即可完成卸载,无需更多

手动:选择你想要的版本并点击手动下载药物并将数据文件夹放到你的安装文件夹(skyrim exe所在的位置)点击是替换如果它弹出并完成,卸载转到data \ textures \ actors \ lyrasmod并删除文件夹wasbat,转到data \ meshes \ actors \ lyrasmod并删除arebat以及最终删除esp。蝙蝠吸血鬼领主或蝙蝠吸血鬼领主(SH)在数据文件夹中




Replaces the Vanila Vampire Lord model with a completly custom one that is more bat like 

dosnt replace the files you can togle it on and off just with the esp but but it replaces the skeleton , im including a non skeleton version for anyone who uses another skeleton mod and preferes it 


everthing that dosnt replace the model ( but for good measure if you are using other vampire mods put this last in load order if you find any other incopatibility please sent me )

you only need to download one of the versions every needed file is included


NMM: chose the version you want and click Mod Manager download install with the manager and you are done , uninstaling is as well done just with the mod manager no need for anything more

manual : chose the version you want and click manual download drug and drop the data folder to your installation folder ( where skyrim exe is ) click yes to replace if it pops up and done , uninstallation go to data\textures\actors\lyrasmod and delete the folder werebat , go to data\meshes\actors\lyrasmod and delete werebat as well finaly delete the esp. Bat Vampire lord or Bat Vampire lord(SH) in the data folder 

you are allowed to modify and use the files as long as you give credit but no ports to consols withaout permision

SSE version here : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20368

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