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LN Toybox Skyrim






我放了三个Toyboxes。第一个是Helgen Keep;无论你在龙攻击中选择跟随谁,都会轻易找到你的执行。如果你跟随Stormcloak,你会直接跑到房间。他会告诉你抢劫另一个倒下的风暴披风的尸体。 Instaid在墙上悬挂的大横幅下面向Toybox右侧看。如果你跟随帝国士兵,你进入另一扇门,但你仍然穿过这个房间。第二个Toybox位于Riverwood。它靠在锯木厂附近的一个大树桩上。三号玩具箱位于Whiterun,毗邻Breezehome。


1. PC用户,使用控制台将Toybox锁定在“需要密钥”级别[目标Toybox,输入“lock 101”(无引号)]。 Xbox或PC用户,清空Toybox并将任何不使用的东西放入玩家拥有的家中的安全存储箱中。在龙或吸血鬼攻击期间,特别是在Whiterun,我有附近的NPC跑到玩具箱,抓住一堆榨汁武器,并加入战斗。尝试找到所有武器并将其偷回来是一种真正的痛苦,只要想想那些随机NPC或Gaurds手中的武器。


3. LN Toybox Skyrim也适用于XBox One。


LN Toybox Skyrim

Required official DLCs:




Chest full of Septims, lockpicks, "kill everything" weapons and "you can't hurt me" armor. Seriously, you can one-shot Alduin with these weapons. I've supplied a bunch of Daedric arrows for the bows, but you can use any arrows you pick up.

I've placed three Toyboxes. The first is in Helgen Keep; easy to find no matter who you choose to follow during the dragon attack interrupting your would-be execution. If you follow the Stormcloak, you run straight to the room. He'll tell you to loot the corpse of another fallen Stormcloak. Instaid look to the right for the Toybox under the large banner hanging on the wall. If you follow the Imperial soldier, you enter the keep at a different door, but you still pass through this room. The second Toybox is located in Riverwood. It rests upon a large tree stump near the saw mill. Toybox number three is in Whiterun, next to Breezehome.

important notes:

1. PC users, use the console to lock the Toybox at level "requires key" [target Toybox, type "lock 101" (no quotes)]. Xbox or PC users, empty the Toybox and put whatever you don't use into a safe storage chest in a player-owned home. During a dragon or vampire attack, especialy in Whiterun, I've had nearby NPCs run to the Toybox, grab an entire stack of juiced-up weapons, and join the battle. It's a real pain to try and find all the weapons and steal them back, and just think about those weapons in the hands of those random NPC's or Gaurds.

2. Protective Amulet A and Ring of Protection A are meant to be worn with a full suit of the included armor/clothing sets [amulet, ring, helm/circlet, curiass/clothing, gauntlets/gloves, boots/shoes]. Each piece grants different buffs. Protective Amulet B and Ring of Protection B, however, take the full list of buffs granted by the other pieces and splits it between them. If you have a favorite other clothing or armor mod, you can wear Ring B and Amulet B and anything else you want, and still have all of my super-buffs.

3. LN Toybox Skyrim also available for XBox One.

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