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上古卷轴5 以ESO为主题的灵命袍mod


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一个非常简单的Psijic Order长袍的重新加工,使它们类似于Psijic Order所穿的


在ESO:Summerset,Zenimax终于让我们深入了解了传奇的Psijic Order,以及他们对服装的重新想象。较新的款式与Skyrim中的款式惊人相似,主要区别在于着色。虽然Skyrim的psijic服装是一种相当丑陋的玉米黄色,但是ESO使用了一种漂亮的蓝色,在某些地方有一丝金色,特别是长袍和衬里的长袍。我立即爱上了这个版本的装备,并且拼命地希望Skyrim的版本看起来更像它。再也看不到Banana Psijic长袍,我决定采取行动。

这个mod非常简单。它包含三个痛苦的手工编辑的.dds纹理文件。一个用于psijic长袍,一个用于psijic靴子,一个用于psijic手套。没有.esp文件,没有模型,没有爵士乐。它是三个纹理文件的极轻量级编辑,可以直接放入/ Data /文件夹,或通过NMM安装。

请注意,由于它不包含.esp,因此该mod不会以任何方式影响实际的Psijic Order项目表单。它只是一种纹理变化。没有进行任何统计更改,除非您更改了其他模式,否则它仍然无法获得。有了这个mod,它仍然只会出现在College questline中的Psijic NPC上。它们看起来会好很多。所以你在游戏中遇到的任何错误或崩溃都不是这个mod的错。




A very simple recoloring of the Psijic Order robes to make them resemble the ones worn by the Psijic Order in

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset.

In ESO:Summerset, Zenimax finally gave us an in-depth look at the legendary Psijic Order, as well as a re-imagining of their attire. The newer style is surprisingly similar to the one seen in Skyrim, the main difference being coloration. While Skyrim's psijic outfit was a rather ugly shade of corn yellow, ESO used a pretty shade of blue, with hints of gold in certain places, notably the pauldrons and lining of the robes. I instantly fell in love with this version of the outfit, and desperately wished Skyrim's version looked more like it. No longer able to stand looking at the Banana Psijic robes, I decided to take action.

This mod is extremely simple. It contains three pain-stakingly hand edited .dds texture files. One for the psijic robes, one for the psijic boots, and one for the psijic gloves. No .esp files, no models, none of that jazz. It's an extremely lightweight edit of the three texture files that can be dropped right into your /Data/ folder, or installed via NMM. 

Note that, as it contains no .esp, this mod does NOT affect the actual Psijic Order item forms in any way. It is only a texture change. No stat changes are made, and it's still unobtainable unless another mod you have changes that. With this mod, it will still only appear on the Psijic NPCs in the College questline. They'll just look a lot better. So any bugs or crashes you encounter in your game is no fault of this mod.

thanks to bethesda for making the original psijic textures as well as the rest of skyrim i guess

also thanks to my gf for supporting me

x  /  x 张截图