首页 模组 上古卷轴5 身临其境的护甲 -道斯特(SSE)mod

上古卷轴5 身临其境的护甲 -道斯特(SSE)mod


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需拥有游戏本体 上古卷轴5:重置版才能运行。
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    v 1.0
  • 作  者
    Vladimir Marduk
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Dawnstar是天际最冷的人之一。该模型旨在消除Dawnstar守卫使用的通用护甲,并将其替换为与Dawnstar寒冷环境相匹配的东西。我还保持这件盔甲的整体色调比其他装置更暗,以反映Dawnstar周围的黑暗本质(vaermina,Dawnstar的名字的原始,以及黑暗的兄弟会圣所)。这不是替换模型,你仍然可以通过使用控制台获得原始的Dawnstar Guard装甲。





如果守卫现在看起来太统一了,我建议看看Ice885的Open Face Guard头盔:


请记住,玩家尚未准备好佩戴 - 我还没有创建适当的第一人称视角。


Dawnstar is one of the coldest holds in Skyrim. This mod aims to remove the generic guard armor that Dawnstar guards use and replace it with something that matches Dawnstar's cold environment. I also kept the overall tones of this armor darker than other holds to reflect the dark nature of Dawnstar's environs (vaermina, original of Dawnstar's name, and the dark brotherhood sanctuary). This is NOT a replacer mod, you can still obtain the original Dawnstar Guard armor by using the console.

I have added to their armor sleeves, a fur cape/cowl, and scales to allow the guards of Winterhold to withstand the harsh climate of their home while having the standard guard amount of protection. The armor rating of this cuirass has not changed. 

I took inspiration from Practical Female Armors (authored by JZBai) and made the male and females armors very similar. Feel free to check out that mod here: 


If the guards now seem to be too uniform, I recommend taking a look at Open Face Guard Helmets by Ice885: 


Bear in mind that this is not yet ready to be worn by the player - I have not created the appropriate first person views.

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