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上古卷轴5 Zim沉浸式文物的替代品mod


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Zimmermjaz的优秀沉浸式文物的Thane Weapons模块的定制模型和纹理模型。


Thu'um Fahdon:

受到Paarthurnax向人类传授龙语的事件的启发,以及如何从Numinex中清除Dragonsreach所需的Thu'um,第一纪的铁匠们成为了Whiterun Hold的传家宝。 龙骨武器刻有声音的力量。


此mod及其资产以Open Mod的形式给出。 您可以出于任何目的修改我的任何文件,只要您告诉我,我就可以享受您的项目。


A custom model and texture mod for the Thane Weapons Module of Zimmermjaz's excelent Immersive Artifacts.

Currently there is only 1 updated weapon

Thu'um Fahdon: 

Inspired on the event of Paarthurnax's imparting dragon language to humans, and given how Thu'um was needed to clear Dragonsreach from Numinex, smiths during the First Age made a heirloom of the Whiterun Hold. A dragonbone weapon inscribed with the power of the Voice. 

Currently there are 2 versions of the mod, one will have the ZIA's balancing, only changing models and textures, and the other will have WACCF changes and will change materials and stats to better match the aesthetic of the new models. 

This mod and it's assets are given as an Open Mod. You can modify any of my files for any purpose at all, as long as you let me know so I can enjoy your project.

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