上古卷轴5:重置版 七宗罪灵魂之矛MOD
2019-09-10  浏览:186  下载:2

七宗罪,一群比其他任何人都强大的神圣骑士。 在为狮子王国服务期间,每个罪人都获得了狮子王巴特拉的神圣宝藏,这是一种巨大的力量武器,以便汲取他们的最大力量。 七个致命罪中的(有争议的)最薄弱的,懒惰的灰熊罪(真名Harlequin,现任仙女王),被赋予灵魂之矛Chastiefol,由仙女国王森林中的圣树制作,并且能够转化为 其持有者意志的多种形式。 可悲的是,没有人能够在4000多年内使用它,它的能力已不复存在。


注意:从Oldrim版本移植,由kojou1919制作,可在此处找到。 请去看看。


The Seven Deadly Sins, a group of Holy Knights that were more powerful than any other. During their service to the kingdom of Liones, each of the Sins were given a Sacred Treasure, a weapon of immense power, by King Bartra of Liones, in order to draw out their maximum power. The (disputed) weakest of the Seven Deadly Sins, King the Grizzly Sin of Sloth (true name Harlequin, current Fairy King), was given the Spirit Spear Chastiefol, crafted from the Sacred Tree in the Fairy King's Forest, and capable of transforming into a multitude of forms at its wielder's will. Sadly, with nobody to wield it in over 4,000 years, its abilities no longer exist.
How to acquire: This weapon can be created at any forge, under the Daedric category.
NOTE: Ported from the Oldrim Version, made by kojou1919 which can be found here. Please go check it out.
