2020-01-02  浏览:1420  下载:66




【转自mbrepository】兵种编辑器(Unofficial Troop Editor)v1.9发布(支持战团)

Author: HokieBT





I wrote an Unofficial Troop Editor for Mount & Blade which allows direct editing of the troops.txt, parties.txt and party_templates.txt files and should be compatible with M&B versions 0.9 - 1.x as well as M&B Warband. This allows viewing and modifying the following information:

我为骑马与砍杀编写了非官方兵种修改器,可以直接修改 troops.txt, parties.txt 以及 party_templates.txt 文件,对应M&B 版本为0.9~1.x,以及Warband(战团)。具体的修改项目如下:

+ troop names 兵种名称

+ troop attributes 兵种属性

+ troop proficiencies 兵种武器熟练度

+ troop skills 兵种技能

+ troop items 兵种装备

+ troop upgrade paths 兵种升级树

+ troop flags 兵种标识(性别、保障等)

+ troop factions 兵种所属国家

+ troop faces 兵种外貌

+ troop skins 兵种皮肤

+ parties 地名

+ party templates 部队名

This could be useful to better balance individual troops and factions for your own personal use or possibly to create a new mod for Mount & Blade. Even if this is not used to directly edit the files this may be useful as a modding tool since it allows the ability to easily review troop information which may be helpful in balancing the game when making mods. I've done testing with this on several versions of M&B and everything seems to work fine but please let me know if there are any problems. A screenshot is below and please post on the forum if there are any questions. thanks




Changes and Saved Games - A lot of information in these text files are also saved within your saved game file so any changes made with the troop editor may not take effect immediately in your saved game. When testing saved games some changes seem to take effect immediately, some after waiting several days of game time for a new troop or party to spawn on the map, and some never update. This behavior may have also switched between version 0.9x and 1.x and the M&B developers would be the only ones that could tell us exactly what changes would and would not work. Therefore, if you are modifying these text files and want to guarantee that your changes are working you should start a new game.


NOTE: It is possible to refresh the module data so some changes can be visible in saved games.

1) You need to enable edit & cheat mode in the M&B configuration menu

2) Then press CTRL+M on the world map in-game

3) You should see a message that it was refreshed.





I do not know exactly what this functionality does but it has been helpful when doing some testing and not having to always start a new game each time. However, if you want to guarantee your changes work then you need to start a new game.

