上古卷轴5 老冒险家的剑SSEmod
2019-12-27  浏览:109  下载:1

这为Helgen Keep下的隧道添加了一把轻巧,快速的剑,因此在开始游戏时你可以拥有一个体面的,但不是非常强大的武器。

它被称为老冒险家的剑,它被发现在可能是一个老冒险家的骨架旁边,他在Helgen Keep中遇到了他不合时宜的命运。

这把剑起到了钢铁般的作用,虽然它重约3磅。 它的摆动速度比香草剑略快,为1.15,(香草剑为1.0,匕首为1.3)并造成9点基础伤害(铁剑= 7,钢剑= 8),并且可以在任何磨石上升级,用钢 锭。 在美学上,它是一把铁剑刀和一把钢刀剑柄,它们的颜色略有修改,以帮助它匹配。 除此之外没什么特别的。 这只是一个在早期游戏中帮助你的稍微好一点的武器。

This adds a light, fast sword to the tunnel under Helgen Keep, so you can have a decent, but not insanely potent, weapon when starting the game.  

It is called the Old Adventurer's Sword, and it is found next to the skeleton of what was presumably an old adventurer, who met his untimely fate in Helgen Keep.

The sword functions as steel, though it weighs a roughly realistic 3 lbs.  It swings slightly faster than a vanilla swords, at 1.15, (vanilla swords are 1.0 and daggers are 1.3) and does 9 base damage (iron swords = 7 and steel swords =8) and can be upgraded at any grinding stone, with a steel ingot.  Aesthetically, it is an iron sword blade and a steel sword hilt, with their coloring slightly modified to help it match.  There's otherwise nothing special about this. It's just a slightly better weapon to help you in early game.
