上古卷轴5 雌蜂mod
2019-12-27  浏览:1519  下载:28

BeeingFemale 2.8 Fix1












- 自己和现实的menstraution循环

- 一堆buff和debuff

- 避孕

- 肚子越来越大

- 3个显示信息的新小部件

- 怀有多个婴儿(第一次最多6个婴儿)


- 一个自己的随从系统

- “去配偶”对话选项

- 自己的技能树

- 自己的振作树

- 可以学习法术(只需给它一个法术书)

- 帮助战斗情况


- 可穿戴

- 出生时施放动态结界

- NPC将自动佩戴婴儿


- 卫生巾 - 铁匠铺

- 避孕药(默认为低和中) - 烹饪锅

- 洗出精子精华 - 烹饪锅


- 不同类型的腹部缩放

- MCM菜单中的许多选项可根据您的需要自定义所有内容

- 情侣制造商

- 一个自己的AddOn系统,因此可以在不更改主mod的情况下创建BeeingFemale的mod

- 许多新的小部件和菜单

- 一些功能是在本地C-Code中开发的,以加速BeeingFemale

- 出生动画(你必须先启用它们)

- 兼容许多其他mod

- 3本书解释一切!

- 具有3种功能的热键(默认值8),具体取决于您按键的时间长度

- 种族和性别可以随时切换



- Race AddOn:给一个特定的种族进行一些修改......例如一种新的婴儿,或者在一个阶段的持续时间。

- CME AddOn:这将为一个阶段添加一个新的Buff / Debuff。让我们说,你希望这个女人在男性阶段有头颅,......

- 其他地方:MiscAddOns是Papyrus - 脚本插件。有许多新事件被提出。例如,您可以创建相机效果,播放声音效果,....





1 - 下载并安装最新版本的SKSE SE

2 - 下载并安装最新版本的SkiUI

3 - 下载并安装XPMSSE32

4 - 下载并安装最新版本的FNIS

5 - 下载并安装支持腹部节点的Body(带有HDT选项的CBBE或带有TBBP选项的UNP)

6 - 下载并安装带有腹部节点支撑的装甲包

7 - 下载并安装最新版本的BeeingFemale

8 - Run Fore New Idles Skyrim并创建动画(位于./Skyrim/Data/Tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe)






答:您的库存中有3本书。在FAQ中解释所有内容是复杂的方法。但它的确像现实一样 - 一个鸡蛋正在旅行,认为是女性的身体,一个精子可以使它结合,而女人会怀孕。


答:是的。 NPC完全支持他们有一个名字(独特)。像卫兵,匪徒......这样的非独特NPC通常不会被用于孕期







问:我感染了 - 我的角色现在会死吗?

A:治愈它 - 只需买一剂治疗药水!否则你会死的。







问:Conecption小工具说我有6%的机会受孕并且我正在排卵 - 这实际上是什么?


问:我有一个负面的“州时间”而且它的下降甚至更多 - 我该怎么办?

答:这是我现在无法弄清楚的错误。当BeeingFemale计时器在暂停后重新调整时(通过MCM菜单或Estrus Chaurus怀孕禁用),就会发生这种情况。解决此问题的唯一方法是使用MCM菜单重置播放器统计信息。我还在研究这个bug。








答:是的,您可以使用烹饪锅制作一些避孕液。不时使用这些液体。它们不会阻止浸渍,它们每次使用只会增加20%-40%。几天之后你应该喝下一种液体,之后效果会再次下降。这将增加另外20% - 40%的避孕。但是不要一次喝掉它们!你必须等几天,直到你应该喝下一个。最高约98%。当你喝得足够时,你会达到这个极限。



- De- / Buffs现在将被正确驱散

- 现在可以正确转换Basic AddOn文件

- MCM菜单 - >刷新AddOn列表再次正常工作

- 将BasicAddOns提取到新的AddOnManager系统

- 妊娠水破裂和阴道血液下降的发射器将不再制造蓝色小队

- 更新了SSL AddOn ini和BathingInSkyrim ini,以便它们正常工作

- 更新了开发包(包括现在的BeeingFemale.esp以及最新的脚本)



- 修正了新游戏和清洁保存的mcm初始化

- 修正了sexlab检测

- 修正了BeeingFemaleBasicAddon.esp中的一些属性错误

- 卫生棉条现在只会自动添加到NPC清单中

- 修复了雄性和精子存活率,保存了发现的病毒

- 修复了在控制台打开时按下信息键时显示的小部件

- 修正了脚本FWAbilityBeeingFemale中的一个错误,即在给腹部充气时检查乳房值

- 更新了beeingmale,beeingfemale,beeingbase,PMSSexHurt,PMSHurtingHeadage和BFA_AbilityHungry脚本附加到已删除的表单以优雅地完成

- 母亲的愤怒效果现在会使伤害提高15-20%,而不是1500-2000%

- 添加(和更新补丁)代码,允许附加到已删除表单的beeingmale和beeingfemale,PMSSexHurt和PMSHurtingHeadage脚本优雅地完成

- 更新了BFA_AbilityHungry代码以减少脚本负载

- Go AWAY效果现在会使伤害提高10%而不是110%

- 一个全新的AddOn Manager系统 - 这比onld系统快得多

- 如果MCM系统菜单已存在,则当前配置文件将显示在MCM系统菜单中

- 添加了Hud配置文件,您可以在其中设置HUD配置文件(包含每个小部件的位置,大小和颜色)

- 添加了新的Misc-AddOn回调:OnMagicEffectApply,OnImpregnate

- 为其他Mod添加了新的SKSE事件:“CanBecomePregnant”,“CanBecomePMS”

- Baby-Items现在应该有一个名字

- 添加了新的控制台命令“bf:unimpregnate”,“bf:cme”,“bf:race”,“bf:addon”,“bf:test”,“bf:setbabys”

- 控制台命令“bf:impregnate”可能有一个数字参数,用于定义角色怀孕的宝宝数量

- 开发人员文件现在位于单独的存档中,现在几乎包含所有内容,包括HUD和C ++文件

- 修正了MCM菜单 - 有可能引发一个无限错误,将天际日志文件发送到40gb以上

- 修正了MCM菜单中“NPCs情绪变化”/“NPC变得任性”选项错误

- 在英语MCM文件中将Children选项卡翻译成英语

- 加载游戏时,不应再加载“默认” - 配置文件

- 卫生巾现已拆除。他们不再需要了。那些不适合怀孕腹部的人,不会对所有身体都有效(我记得只有UNP)以及更多原因

- 编辑了BeeingFemale小部件元素

- 增加了一些新的Child Perks

- 菜单标题屏幕将在安装成人模式时显示原始图像(包括花童和动画卖淫)

- MCM菜单 - >包含更多“兼容性”Mods的系统。因此,我制作了一个检查脚本文件的本机代码。使用此功能,BeeingFemale将“反编译”脚本文件并检查它们是否包含特定的脚本函数

- 增加了对“天际沐浴”的兼容性,以便在沐浴时洗掉精子

<br><div id="inner-editor"></div>3866/50002.7

- 许多错误我不记得了

- 添加婴儿声音,婴儿用品会哭,说话,...现在当你抱着婴儿

- 在不同的月经周期阶段添加了许多新的De-Buffs。我认为这是54个新的De-buffs

- 将Hungry-Debugg添加到PMS和1. Trimester。现在,女人在“饥饿”的情况下分娩时会吃她所携带的食物。如果没有食物,胃会发出几乎所有人都可能发出警报的声音。

- 非独特的女性NPC可能会像棉塞或避孕液一样掉落物品。与所有女性卫兵相同。

- 为非SexLab用户添加了备用菜单标题图像

- 修正了加载游戏时De-Buffs不再影响玩家/ NPC的错误

- 为HUD小部件添加了一个选项-INI-File,您可以在其中设置位置,启用/禁用或更改任何小部件的alpha。 (准备HUD配置文件)

- 修正了一个问题,即在加载游戏时,BF2.6中加载了默认配置文件,以便重新设置所有设置。

- 上传了Guids并在Nexus上启用了捐赠

- 为多语言支持添加字符串文件。

- 修正了AddOn Manager中的一些问题

- 添加控制台命令

- 添加了新的FWController功能:SetBabyHealth和SetContraception

- DebugInfos已添加到AddOn Manager中,用于bf:code console命令

- 修正了婴儿物品名称的多重支持

- 删除了FNIS动画要求检查

- 制作更多语言的多语言

- 我忘了的事情


- 现在可以在MCM菜单中激活Couple Widget

- 婴儿物品库存 - 网格被替换(删除)

- 重置了Child Perk菜单

- 重新制作了Child Perk系统

- 将消息模式设置为“全部”时,现在可以启用子技能窗口的调试视图(警告,这可能会滞后很多!)

- 卫生棉条包含在主文件中

- Estrus Chaurus Fix包含在主文件中

- 现在禁用的CANS支持 - 但它有一天会回来

- 婴儿姓名文件已修复

- 月经血液重拍(所有3个版本)

- 现在可以在MCM菜单中停用月经出血

- 儿童随从(演员)现在不那么强大了

- 婴儿物品可以随身携带的召唤附魔被移除

- MCM调试选项以测试所有Child-Perk文件

- 添加了保存/加载配置文件选项(已包含6个配置文件,您也可以创建自己的配置文件)

- 当孩子升级时会收到通知(孩子也会发光)

- 修复了许多其他错误


- Baby-Item已改为Baby-Armor!

- 婴儿用品的新结界系统。宝贝物品将被迷住

- 情侣系统。夫妻(丈夫,外遇和朋友)可能会发生性关系。

- 当玩家在某人旁边睡觉时,有一个机会,他们在睡觉时会发生一些事情(没有动画,只有正常的黑色淡入淡出)

- 启用/禁用出生动画(默认为禁用! - 您必须启用它,才能再次看到出生动画!)

- 用于浸渍的新MCM菜单选项卡

- NPC可能有另一个Child-Type然后是玩家(你可以设置,玩家将生成一个ChildActor,NPC是一个Child-Item)

- 修复了许多错误


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---

Trixy - 用于生育

Muon Shan - 为您提供积极的帮助

汇丽 - 为你的rus。翻译

Aravis7 - 为您的法国翻译和您对婴儿网的帮助

xiaomiza - 为您的中文翻译

jbezorg - 寻求婴儿网眼的帮助

Slorm - 用于分享他的错误修复FWSystem

Leito - 出生动画

Corum - 对于PMS“抑郁症”修复

Lactina - 为Baby-Armor-Mesh

Vader666 - 用于转换Baby-Armor-Mesh

Vioxsis - 用于转换Baby-Armor-Mesh

Bane Master - 为他的BeeingFemale补丁

选择线索 - 为他的BeeingFemale补丁

qotsafan - 为他的BeeingFemale补丁


BeeingFemale 2.8 Fix1



Create your little family in Skyrim!

In first line, BeeingFemale is a procreation mod (menstruation cycle and pregnancy Simulation) that allows female Players and NPCs to have a menstraul cycle and becomming pregnant. But there is way more then that. It's a realy huge, realistic and dynamic mod with many features that will give skyrim a complete new feeling.

It was made to bring a bunch more RPG to skyrim and answering the question, where all the children are comming from.

For sure there is even more then just pregnancy.

Depending on your settings you may have a realy cute Baby carring around a new child-follower with a complete own and new Follower System with many features, or you have sealed your Baby into a soul-gem.

Create your own little family together with your spouse and have some fun and great adventures with your children.

If you don't feel ready for a family or don't want to risk pregnancy when you go to bed, you can use the contraception fluid. There is a note in your inventory about contraception or there are some hinds in the FAQ

For sure, all NPCs that have a name are suported, too!




- Own and realistic menstraution cycle

- a bunch of buffs and debuffs

- contraception

- growing belly

- 3 new widgets that Displays informations

- pregnant with multiple Babys (up to 6 Babys at the first time)

Child Actor:

- an own Follower System

- "Go to spouse" dialogue Option

- Own skill tree

- Own perk tree

- Can learn spells (just give it a spell-book)

- helps in combat situations

Child Item:

- Wearable

- dynamic enchantments are casted on birth

- NPCs will automaticly wear the Baby

Craftable Items:

- Sanitary napkin - smithing

- Contraception fluide (low and medium by default) - cooking pot

- wash out sperm essence - cooking pot


- Different types of belly scaling

- Many Options in the MCM menu to customize everything how you want

- couple maker

- An own AddOn System, so mods for BeeingFemale can be created without changing the main mod

- Many new widgets and menus

- some functions are developed in native C-Code to speed up BeeingFemale

- birth animations (you must enable them first)

- Compatible with many other mods

- 3 Books that explains everything!

- Hotkey (Default 8) with 3 functions, depending how Long you press the key

- Race and sex Switch is possible anytime



There are manythings for developer what they can do. Basicly there are 3 different Kinds of AddOns

- Race AddOn: Give a specific race some modifications.. for example a new Kind of Baby, or a multiply for the duration of a Phase.

- CME AddOn: This will add a new Buff / Debuff to a Phase. Lets say, you want the woman to have headage during the menstraution Phase, ...

- Misc AddOn: MiscAddOns are Papyrus - scripted addons. There are many new Events that are raised. For example you can create camera effects, playing Sound effects, ....

For sure there are even more Things, developer and modder can do. There are a few variables that can be used to create dialogues, maps, NPC comments, ...

For example there Phase, the Player is in, is stored in a global variable. Now mappers can create Areas where the Player only can enter, when she is pregnant.

A full documentation will follow!

A basic Installation guide


1 - Download and install the latest Version of SKSE SE

2 - Download and install the latest Version of SkiUI

3 - Download and install XPMSSE32

4 - Download and install the latest Version of FNIS

5 - Download and install a Body with belly node support (CBBE with HDT options or UNP with TBBP option)

6 - Download and install an armor pack with belly node Support

7 - Download and install the latest Version of BeeingFemale

8 - Run Fore New Idles Skyrim and create the animations (located in ./Skyrim/Data/Tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe)



If the BeeingFemale Menu will be shown in the list, but when you click on it and it will only display "black", deactivate the "BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.eps" and try it again.

If this doesn't help, open the console and type in "bf:code" (without the quotes) and send the code to me that will be displayed.



Q: How does it work?

A: There are 3 Books in your inventory. It is way to complex to explain everything in a FAQ. But it works like it does in reality - an egg is traveling thought the female body, a sperm can concive it and the woman will be pregnant.

Q: Are NPCs suported?

A: Yes. NPCs are fully suported aslong they have a name (unique). Non-Unique NPCs like Guards, bandits, ... are generaly not suported for the preganancy

Q: What are those AddOns?

A: AddOns are specific mods that include content to BeeingFemale. They can specificate races (changing the duration of a phase, the pain level, the kid of child that will born, and even more, adding more PMS Effects, menstrual effects, ....)

Q: Where I can find AddOns?

A: Well, there are already a few great AddOns around. the easiest way would be Google

Q: Will the childs grow to an adult?

A: No. This got many reasons. The most imporant is that children won't grow to an adult in just 10 days. Another thing is that this would be realy dificult to make, because of the AddOn System, and stuff.

Q: I'm suffering on an infection - will my character die now?

A: Cure it - just buy a cure potion! otherwise you will die.

Q: Why the min duration of a phase is 2 Days?

A: This was the easiest way to fix problems with the calculation and the AddOns.

Q: Why are children / elder forbidden / blocked?

A: Elder won't have a menstrual cycle anymore... same to children.

Q: Are there crafts i can create?

A: Yes. There are many crafts you can create. Contraception Fluid so you can't become pregnant, Anti Sperm Fluid (aka: Wash out sperm fluid) to wash out the sperm that is already inside you, sanitary napkins to fetch the menstrual blood.

Q: The Conecption Widget says i've got 6% chance to conceive and i'm ovulating - what does this actualy meen?

A: Such low conception chances are like 0% + tollerance. I don't think your character will become pregnant. Seems the egg won't nist in the utherus or there was no egg when ovulating or something else happend. Wait for the next cycle maybe next time it will work.

Q: I've got a negative 'State Time' and it's falling even more - what can i do?

A: This is a bug i couldn't figure out right now. It happens when the BeeingFemale Timer is resumend after a pause (disabled via MCM Menu or Estrus Chaurus Pregnancy). The only way to fix it is a reset the Player Stats using the MCM Menu. I'm still working on this bug.

Q: Is it possible to keep the widgets visible?

A: Yes, keep the hotkey pressed for 1.2 sec or longer. Press the key again to hide them again

Q: Is the Sourcecode included?

A: Yes! Except the widgets and the native code, everything is included

Q: May I create an AddOn?

A: Sure! please create as many AddOns as you want and please, share them and don't be shy.

Q: Can i prevent pregnancy?

A: Yes, you can use the cooking pot to create some contraception fluids. Use those fluids from time to time. They won't prevent impregnation immidialy, they will only add around 20% - 40% per use. You should drink the next fluid after a few days, before the effect will drop again. This will add another 20% - 40% contraception. But don't drink them all at once! You have to wait some days until you should drink the next. There is a maximum of around 98%. When you drank enough you will reach this limit.

Change Log


2.8 Fix 1

- De-/Buffs will now be dispelled correctly

- The Basic AddOn file is now translated correctly

- The MCM Menu -> Refresh AddOn List is working again

- Extracted the BasicAddOns to the new AddonManager System

- The Emitters for pregnancy water breaking and vaginal blood dropping won't make blue squads anymore

- Updated the SSL AddOn ini and the BathingInSkyrim ini so they will work correctly

- Updated the Developer Pack (including the BeeingFemale.esp now as well as the latest scripts)


2.8 (including the unofficial path)

- Fixed mcm initialisation for new games and clean saves

- Fixed sexlab detection

- Fixed an number of property errors in BeeingFemaleBasicAddon.esp

- Tampons will now only be automatically added to the inventory of NPCs

- Fixed virility and sperm survival profile save bug identified

- Fix for widgets displaying when pressing the information key whilst the console is open

- Fixed a bug in the script FWAbilityBeeingFemale, that was checking breast value while inflating the belly

- Updated beeingmale, beeingfemale, beeingbase, PMSSexHurt, PMSHurtingHeadage & BFA_AbilityHungry scripts attached to deleted forms to finish gracefully

- Mother's Anger effect will now increase damage by 15-20% rather than 1500-2000%

- Added (and updated patch) code to allow beeingmale and beeingfemale, PMSSexHurt & PMSHurtingHeadage scripts attached to deleted forms to finish gracefully

- Updated BFA_AbilityHungry code to reduce script load

- Go AWAY effect will now increase damage by 10% rather than 110%

- A complete new AddOn Manager System - This is way faster then the onld system

- The current profile will be displayed in the MCM System Menu if it already exists

- A Hud Profile was added, where you can set a HUD Profile (containing position, size, color of each widget)

- Added new Misc-AddOn callbacks: OnMagicEffectApply, OnImpregnate

- Added new SKSE Events for other Mods: "CanBecomePregnant", "CanBecomePMS"

- Baby-Items should now have a name

- Added new console commands "bf:unimpregnate", "bf:cme", "bf:race", "bf:addon", "bf:test", "bf:setbabys"

- Console Command "bf:impregnate" may have a numeric argument, defining the number of babys the character will be pregnant with

- The Developer Files are now in a seperate Archive, and now include almost everything, including the HUD and the C++ Files

- Fixed the MCM Menu - It was possible to raise an infinity bug that spams the skyrim log file to 40gb and more

- Fixed the "NPCs' moods change" / "NPCs get wayward" Option bug in the MCM Menu

- Translated the Children Tab to english, in the english MCM File

- When loading a game, the "Default"-Profile shouldn't be loaded anymore

- Sanitary Napkins are removed now. There is no need for them anymore. They where not compatible for pregnancy belly, won't work on all bodys (only UNP all i remember) and for some more reasons

- Edited the BeeingFemale Widget Elements

- Added a few new Child Perks

- Menu Title Screen will display the original Image when an adult mod is installed (including Flower Girls and Animated Prostitution)

- MCM Menu -> System containing more "Compatibility" Mods. Therefore I made a native code inspecting the script files. With this function, BeeingFemale will 'decompile' script files and check if they contain a specific script function

- Added compatibility to 'Bathing in Skyrim' to wash out sperm when bathing


- Many Bugs I can't remember anymore fixed

- Added Baby Sounds, the baby-item will cry, talk, ... now when you carry the baby

- Added many many new De-Buffs to diferent menstruation cycle phases. I think it was 54 new De-buffs

- Added the Hungry-Debugg to PMS and 1. Trimester. Now the woman will eat food she is carrying when delivering under "hungry". If there is no food, the stomach will make noices that nearly enemys may alert.

- non-unique female NPCs may drop items now like Tampons or contraception fluid. Same to all female Guards.

- Added an alternate Menu Title Image for non SexLab Users

- Fixed a bug where De-Buffs won't effect the Player/NPC anymore, when loading a game

- Added an option-INI-File for HUD Widgets where you can set the position, enable/disable, or change the alpha of any widget. (Prepared for a HUD Profile)

- Fixed a problem, where the default profile was loaded in BF2.6, whenever you load a game so all settings were reset again.

- Uploaded the Guids and enabled the Donations on Nexus

- Adding String Files for Multilingual support.

- Fixed some problems in the AddOn Manager

- Adding console commands

- Added new FWController Functions: SetBabyHealth and SetContraception

- DebugInfos were added to the AddOn Manager for the bf:code console command

- Fixed the multilignual Support for the Baby Item Name

- Removed the FNIS Animation requirement check

- Made even more messages multilingual

- Things I've forgot


- Couple Widget can now be activated in the MCM Menu

- Baby Item Inventory-Mesh was replaced (removed)

- The Child Perk Menu was remade

- The Child Perk System was remade

- The Debug View for the Child Skill Window can now be enabled when setting message mode to "All" (Warning, this may lag alot!)

- Tampon included in the main file

- Estrus Chaurus Fix included in the main file

- CANS Support for now disabled - But it will come back somedays

- Baby Name Files fixed

- Menstruation Blood was remade (all 3 versions)

- Menstruation bleeding can now be deactivated in the MCM Menu

- The Child Followers (Actor) are now less powerful

- The Summon Enchantments the baby items can born with, are removed

- MCM Debug Option to test all Child-Perk Files

- Save / Load Profile option added (6 Profiles are already included, you can create your own, too)

- You get a notification when the child levels up (and the child will glow, too)

- Many other bugs were fixed

2.5 (first release on nexus)

- Baby-Item has changed to Baby-Armor!

- New Enchantment System for the Baby Item. Baby Item will be enchanted

- Couple System. Couples (Husband, Affair and Friends) may have sex.

- When the Player sleeps next to someone there is a Chance that something happens between them during sleeping (no animations, just the normal fade in black)

- Enable / Disable Birth animations (Default is Disabled! - You must enable it, to see the Birth Animation again!)

- New MCM Menu Tab for impregnation

- NPCs may have another Child-Type then the Player ( You can set, that the Player will Born a ChildActor, and the NPCs a Child-Item)

- many Bugs were fixed

Special Thanks


Trixy - for Procreation

Muon Shan - for your active help

Huili - for your rus. translation

Aravis7 - for your france translation and your help with the baby mesh

xiaomiza - for your chinese translation

jbezorg - for help with the baby mesh

Slorm - for sharing his bug fixed FWSystem

Leito - For the birth animation

Corum - For the PMS "Depressive" fix

Lactina - For the Baby-Armor-Mesh

Vader666 - For converting the Baby-Armor-Mesh

Vioxsis - For converting the Baby-Armor-Mesh

Bane Master - For his BeeingFemale Patch

Chosen Clue - For his BeeingFemale Patch

qotsafan - For his BeeingFemale Patch

A big Thanks goes to the complete LoversLab Community!
